Bernadette Kos, M.A., CCC-A

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Bernadette worked for Pediatric Ear, Nose, & Throat Associates (PENTA) before joining Rocky Top Hearing. She also spends part of her time at The Hearing & Speech Foundation fitting hearing aids to economically disadvantaged individuals. She obtained her undergraduate degree from Minot State University, and her graduate degree in Audiology from Wichita State University. Bernadette is passionate about hearing health. She wants to see that all community members live life to their fullest potential. The most beautiful outcome is the patient’s emotional response when professional services, and hearing technology take flight. She has a deep understanding of the social/emotional impact hearing loss has on a person and the family having grown up with a mother who suffered from hearing loss since childhood. Bernadette Kos is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and currently lives in Knoxville with her husband and children.  She enjoys the great outdoors, especially mountain biking.